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Hadith Classifications

This is an extract from the book Al-Waadih Fee Usool ul-Fiqh by Muhammad Hussein Abdullah available to purchase from  Maktaba Islamia . There are three categories of hadith in respect to their  As-Sihhah  (soundness) and  Ad-Da’f  (weakness). These are Saheeh, Hasan and Da’eef. In respect to the Sanad (chain) there are also three categories. These are Al-Mutawaatir, Al-Mash’hoor and Khabar Al-Aahaad. Al-Hadeeth As-Saheeh (Sound) This is the Hadeeth in which its Isnaad (chain) connects the transmission of the ‘Adl Ad-Daabit from the ‘Adl Ad-Daabit until its end and is not Shaadh or Mu’allal. Al-‘Adl (the just):  As-Sudooq At-Taqi (The honest person who fears Allah and obeys Him). Ad-Daabit (the precise):  Known for his astuteness and not being careless or inattentive. Until its end:  The Sanad (chain) connects to the Messenger ﷺ. Not Shaadh (irregular) or without Shudhoodh (irregularity):  That it does not go against the Thiqqah (a trustworthy narrator) stronger than

Follow-up answers on Bitcoin - Abu Khaled al-Hejazi

Assalamualaikum, Some follow up questions regarding the bitcoin Q&A My question on majhool is- what do you mean the source of Bitcoins in unknown. Do you mean that the mining is done by unknown entities or that the actual founders of Bitcoin (i.e. Satoshi) was anonymous? Answer To reiterate what we said in the QnA previously as well, cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are ‘assets’ issued by an unknown (majhool) source which have no real value and no real backing and Majhool here is related to the subject of the issuing the currency. The shari view towards the issuance of currency is that It should be issued by a centralized authority which undertakes the responsibility of issuing the currency (dirhams and dinars) i.e it is a known body and not unknown (majhool). This is one of the major problems with cyptocurrencies such as bitcoin. So Majhool is not linked to Satoshi or one particular miner, rather it is linked to the whole mining community which is an unknown entity

Q&A: The Islamic Ruling on Bitcoin

Question  by:  SchukranJaan Bismillah Ar-Rahaman Ar-Rahim, Dear honourable Sheikh. We hope this finds you in the best health. We greet you with the warmest and noblest of all greetings: Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu. A brother and I were talking about the Hukm regarding the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Ripple etc.) We both read the ijtihad by Ustadh Abu Khaled al-Hejazi but we weren’t quite content with what the sheikh had deduced. We have some problems with how the sheikh analyzed the reality of cryptocurrencies and the comment section under the article too is filled with brothers disagreeing and discussing about how  tahqeeq al-manaat was not completely correct. We would like to know the Hukm regarding selling and buying of cryptocurrencies. Could you bring light into this subject, because it still doesn’t seem clear for us. Wajazaakumullah khairan May Allah strengthen us all on his path and let us be