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Views on the news - 12/2/2009

Britain to launch glossy ads to win Pakistanis over to the West On Feb 10 2009, The English newspaper The Guardian revealed that Prominent British Muslims were being recruited to star in a UK government-backed advertising campaign aimed at preventing people in Pakistan from engaging in extremist activity, the Guardian has learned. The three-month public relations offensive, called I Am the West, consists of television commercials and high-profile events in regions such as Peshawar and Mirpur. It is being funded by the Foreign Office which is paying up to £400,000 for a pilot project. The campaign has four key aims: to ensure Pakistanis realise the west is not "anti-Islamic", that British society is not "anti-Islam", to demonstrate the extent to which Muslims are integrated into British society and to stimulate and facilitate "constructive debate" on the compatibility of liberal and Muslim values. If the West really wants to show that it is not against Isla

Part 4, The Islamic Rules of Trade - Employment

Due to the current global financial crisis there is increasing interest in the Islamic Economic System, the most comprehensive book on this topic is 'The Economic System of Islam' by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani. However as people have many questions relating to the Islamic rules of trade we will be posting related extracts from the draft translation of the Fiqh masterpiece 'The Islamic Personality, Volume 2' by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani. EMPLOYMENT/HIRING (AL-IJARA) Hiring is a contract over benefit in return for recompense, and there enters under it three types: The first type—Where the contract comes over the benefit of things like hiring houses, animals, vehicles and the like. The second type—Where the contract comes over the benefit of work like employing the owners of professions and crafts for specific works. The matter which is contracted over is the benefit resulting from the work such as hiring painters, blacksmiths, carpenters and the like. The third type—W

Q&A: Working in a bank or financial sector?

The following is a question we received from one of our readers and our answer: Question: Please can you explain whether working in a bank is permitted and if so in which type of positions, for example is supporting the IT or software in the bank permitted? Also the same question for the financial sector in general i.e. stock markets, insurance, etc. Answer: The following is an extract from english translation of 'The Economic in Islam' by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani' that sheds light on the matter: "The Rule Regarding Hiring Over Prohibited Benefits In order that hiring be legally valid, the benefit must be permitted (halal) in nature. So the employee should not be hired for doing something which is prohibited. Accordingly a worker should not be hired to carry alcohol to one who buys it, or to press it. Nor should he be hired to carry pigs or carrion. At-Tirmidhi narrated from Anas bin Malik, who said: "The Messenger of Allah (SAW) cursed ten ty