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Video: Muslims of the Subcontinent - Challenges & Solutions

Muslims of the subcontinent constitute almost one third of the Ummah. Despite their numbers and glorious Islamic past, the Muslims of this region face countless challenges today, namely: - the treachery of their rulers; - poverty, oppression, injustice; - the systematic genocide of Muslims in Kashmir and Gujarat; - the destruction of their Masjids; and - corruption & political instability. This lecture scrutinised the myriad of problems & challenges of the region in a comprehensive manner and outlined a clear and concise strategy needed by the Muslims of the subcontinent to re-establish the glory previously afforded to them under Islam. Download the videos in English & Urdu from:

Scholars who are working for Khilafah

We shouldn’t accept personality leadership as we are led by the ideology of Islam by following the Quran and the Sunnah. As human beings are liable to weakness, sin and even apostasy it is dangerous to blindly follow personalities who are fallible. Despite this fact it is true that we refer to those with knowledge, the Ulema due to Allah (swt)’s instruction: “So ask the people of the Reminder (ahl al-zikr) if you do not know.” [TMQ 21:7] We should have respect for those Islamic personalities and da’wah carriers with knowledge regardless of whether they studied in an academic institute, Madrassah or not. 'Ubaadah b. as-Saamit (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “He is not from my Ummah who does not acknowledge the honour due to our elders, who shows no mercy to our younger ones and nor recognises the right of our scholar.” Al-Munziri said: reported by Ahmad with a hasan chain. Al-Haythami said: reported by Ahmad and at-Tabaraani and its isnad is hasan. Unf

Q&A: Providing nafaqah to relatives?

The following is a translation from Arabic. Question: Who are the 'asabah who have to provide nafaqah? And is it obligatory for all categories even if they are rich like the obligation of providing nafaqah for ones wife which is given regardless of whether she needs it or not. Answer: The maintenance which is obligatory between relatives is only obligatory when the relative is poor and needy. It differs from the maintenance for the wife. The wife must be given nafaqah even if she is rich. As for who are the ones that must give maintenance to their needy relative, they are the males who inherit from this relative due to His (swt) saying: وعلى الوارث مثل ذلك ‘And on the (father's) heir is incumbent the like of that (which was incumbent on the father). [Baqarah:233] after He (swt) mentioned the obligation of the father to give maintenance to his child. For example, the brother inherits from his brother that has been cut of from ascendants and descendants (kalaalatan). If there is